Whoa. time warp. its been awhile. Late at night now, but at the urgings of a faithful reader, the time has come to wipe the dust from the control panels in the underwater base, flip the switch and power up.
Its been over a month since the last post. I got back from the alternate reality of European vakay, and hurled myself back into heavy training. Although I kept somewhat in running form, via some sojourns deep into the hills surrounding Cestin, Serbia.. the days that will forever be known as "contamination of 06", the required diet of bread and iced tea, and the resulting feelings of maximum exertion coming around mile 3 - lets just say that getting back into a serious regime was less than rewarding.
The first few weeks back, it was as if my legs had never known how to run. Perhaps their last memory was the meltdown at the finish line in Ottawa, and they were simply resisting training for fear of repetition. Despite the frustrations of slowness and decreased fitness - the back of my mind remembered that after 3 weeks, it would all be back. Every time that my perceived effort screamed redline - my GPS yawned 8:00/mile. Every time my lungs wanted to fly, my legs howled to stop.
But, all the research says 3 weeks... so I trusted ... and counted down the days.
This week, things have come around. Put in a 4 miler on Monday (was scheduled for 3, but the weightlessness took over). 9 miler on Tuesday, reaching a sweat-drenched equilibrium with the monsoon humidity. 5 miles on Wednesday, cruising. a 6 mile hill workout on Thurs went so well that it prompted me to register for the next marathon...
October 1st, 2006 - The Prince Edward County Marathon. The same course as last year's 3:39:00, lets see what a year has done.
Tonight was a 9 mile pace run. Felt like crap. Something was off, and the legs were screaming. My mind was running faster than me, trying to figure it all out. Why was I running so slowly? What happened to 3 weeks? GPS doesn't lie... the military made it... they can hit a target from 30 000 feet.
As I walked in my door, I recalled a few times when military GPS wasn't so accurate. Every now and then (unfortunately, more often than that), those bombs hit villages....
As I stood in the kitchen, my brother came in the door from his run... swearing at his GPS. "Damn cloud cover - GPS is useless tonight... this thing lost me like it was its job!"
.... Three weeks :)