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Secret Underwater Base

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Something had to give. For a few weeks, everything was drenched in the oppression of humidity. Sleeping was uncomfortable, leading to days of sleepiness and nights of wakefulness. They say people in the south do everything slowly - from slow paced steps to the characteristic slow enunciated spoken drawl. For those few weeks, I didn't do things slowly; it was as if I didn't do anything at all. Even running was brutal.

Somewhere in the past few days, that humidity is gone; the thick curtain of air that was perpetually rubbing me the wrong way was lifted. Suddenly, everything felt easier. It was like I was a fish, struggling to breathe the wet stagnant air, being thrown from the water only to realize that I didn't have gills after all. The air made things movable, breathable and liveable.

Training this week has been almost too good. I feel as if I am reborn as a runner. 4 miles monday, 10 miles tuesday, 6 mile trail run yesterday, and a 6.25 mile lactate threshold run tonight. Splits on the fast sections were as low as 6:19/mile. Heart rate hit 192, and then rebounded back to normal.

Other projects are coming along nicely too, after weeks of wondering. Got some great feedback on one, a great idea for another, and an interesting proposal in the works. The good news came like a shot of EPO - my lungs tonight felt endless. Despite irregularities in training, fitness or the events in your life, sometimes the only things weighing you down are your own thoughts. Lose your mind and you grow wings. Tonight I flew.

Oh yeah, new shoes arrived in the mail today. 500 miles have done their worst to the old ones.

Music tonight? Kano - Sometimes (Remix feat. Kaleshnekof). From the Brown Eyes CD Single. So smooth.


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