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Secret Underwater Base

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Teach Me How To Fly

This is turning into a sweatblog lately - my brain isn't functioning enough to wax philosophic. But, there isn't much to wax about anyways... most of what i see is paint. Can you paint philosophic? hmmm...

Seriously, the last 5 days have been all about paint. To be precise, its more like anti-paint, which is the paint equivalent of a positron. If i were to wax philosophically, my title would be "zen and the art of paint scraping". What started as an art; precision and perfection, not leaving a speck unturned quickly degraded to something less precise. Is there a law that says that walls should be flat? Sure, most walls that you see are flat, but that doesn't make it the rule. It was once believed that the world was flat - and we all know how that one turned out. So, as I make my pronouncement that walls needn't be smooth and planar, I accept that I may be burned at the stake, but I see myself as a great mind ahead of its time. Besides, I like to think that the wall of the kitchen now has some symbolic meaning; a long lost braille dialect of irregular shapes, that will someday be decoded to reveal the secret of the universe.

Ok - enough pseudo philosophy. 10 miler tonight. I hesitate to say this, but it was nothing short of effortless. If only marathons were run at 10pm, in 16C temperatures. Averaged a 7:45 pace, but my mind was everywhere else. As mile 9 elapsed, my Garmin woke me from my revery, meaning there was 1 mile to go. As I couldn't remember the miles that had taken me 5 miles from home and nearly all the way back, I decided to tune in for a mile; to actively breathe and see what life was like below my shoulders. So I dug deep, and looked for pain. I tried to light my lungs aflame, to feel the burn, but steady breathing put out the fires. I tried to churn up some lactic acid to remind my legs of mile 23, but my chemical efforts were buffered. In no time, the Garmin beeped again. Mile 10: 6:45/mile.

This week has been unbelievable. Tomorrow is a 20 miler. I can't wait.

Tonight's soundtrack- Loveless - "Go"


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