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Secret Underwater Base

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Tri and 19 miler

Seems like a yearly thing - watch triathlon in the morning, then run until it hurts. Well, not a forever yearly kinda thing, but I did it last year and this year, so as far as the blog-readers are concerned, this has been going on since the beginning of time.

So, woke up at 7:20 (there's a 7:00 in the MORNING too? jeez, who knew)... and ate a quick bite. Out the door to watch the Ktown Tri. The bug has almost caught me; maybe next summer. I wanna get a solid marathon under my belt first - preferably not finishing on my knees. The whole purchasing of bike gear may be a hurdle, but I fear that when the bug catches, it will bite hard.

The tri was awesome, enough visible pain to get the endurance sport spidey senses tingling.

Spent a long day walking and swimming in the sun, and then got home exhausted for a quick nap. Probably slept for 45 minutes, before rolling out of bed to put on the runners. 19 miles. First 10 were smooth, then some ugliness, then rocked a couple of 7:45's, and then the last couple were just about survival. Home for a quick meal, soaking in ice water, and now its time to crash.

Three posts in two days... I guess I'm back!


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