Clif Shot and a moment...
So, another Sunday has come and gone. Spent this morning watching Lance for the last time, soaking it all up. The Tour just won't be the same next year... I guess I'll be cheering for big Jan, unless Hincapie is the team leader for Discovery. Had to love Lance's farewell speech... a final send off to all of his critics: if you didn't appreciate me while I was here, then too bad, because you'll never see me again, and you sure missed out. Its a funny thing; a character like Jordan, full of so many flaws is revered by the press world wide... a compulsive gambler, hanging out with some of the shadiest characters in the country... and then you have Armstrong, equal killer instinct, probably greater sheer athleticism, a greater string of victories in a far more grueling event, and the guy is surrounded by controversy! I guess culture can be a bitch sometimes... if you're good at "your own" sport, they love you unconditionally... invade on someone "else's" sport, and they try to pick you apart, because you're not one of "them". Its just too bad that so many people here don't pay attention to cycling, and will forever associate him with the negative press and rumors. Anyways, I think that legacy is cast in stone... he did all he could, and went out on top. You won't see this dude fading on mountains, the way we watched Willie Mays drop fly balls, and Michael Jordan shoot jumpers on gimpy knees.
Tonight was a long run night, but not so long, because it was a sort of a recovery week, after last week's big 20 miler. Did 12 miles, and tested a ClifShot energy gel, just to see if i could stomach it. Gotta figure out what sort of nutrition I'll use for the marathon. Despite saying it was "strawberry" flavoured, it tasted suspiciously like molasses, with the same texture and viscosity. Remind anyone of green jelly beans? Anyways... 20 minutes later, it was cruise control. Had to check the package to make sure there was no amphetamines in these things. Wouldn't wanna pull a Barry Bonds and "unknowingly" use steroids (although, I think I'd become suspicious if my hat size grew by 2 during my career... hmmm). Anyways, the verdict is, these things work. Not sure if it was the carbs, the caffeine or both, but I definitely felt a surge of energy on the way home. I will use one later in the marathon, probably around mile 16 or 17, so it will kick in for the final crunch.
I remember writing the other night, have you ever felt worse after a run than you did before it? Well, tonight, the run was great, but the end was even better. A classic moment for the archives... allow me to set the scene. Came flying back home, finishing with a full sprint. As I slowed to a stop, I noticed an older lady walking on the road next to me. Not strolling, but walking; health benefit, awesome for anyone, especially a 70 year old woman walking. As I walked along to cool down, the contrast couldn't have been greater...
me: disgustingly drenched in sweat, iPod stuck to my arm, wearing shoes that cost too much and clothes that breathe air like they're alive.
her: white sweater, blue slacks, white shoes that looked quite terrestrial compared to my space age sweat, definitely no iPod, but whistling just as nicely. No white headphones, but a white perm; not a hair out of place.
Too hot for running tonight she said quietly....
Nah, its ok. Once you get going, its the perfect temperature....
How far did you go... you look like you've been out there forever! she started to perk up into the conversation.
Almost 2 hours... but slowly.. don't wanna push it too hard tonight.
Well, I can only walk for 20 or 25 minutes... after that, I have to sit down and rest, so you've got me beat .
I turned to her.... looked around... at the hot, empty streets.....
"At least you're out here... In almost 2 hours, you're the only other person I've seen. I saw plenty of people on porches, in cars and glued to televisions... so, in my books, if I'm finishing first, then you're finishing a close second."
I think we made each other's day... I know it made mine.
i'm out
Tonight was a long run night, but not so long, because it was a sort of a recovery week, after last week's big 20 miler. Did 12 miles, and tested a ClifShot energy gel, just to see if i could stomach it. Gotta figure out what sort of nutrition I'll use for the marathon. Despite saying it was "strawberry" flavoured, it tasted suspiciously like molasses, with the same texture and viscosity. Remind anyone of green jelly beans? Anyways... 20 minutes later, it was cruise control. Had to check the package to make sure there was no amphetamines in these things. Wouldn't wanna pull a Barry Bonds and "unknowingly" use steroids (although, I think I'd become suspicious if my hat size grew by 2 during my career... hmmm). Anyways, the verdict is, these things work. Not sure if it was the carbs, the caffeine or both, but I definitely felt a surge of energy on the way home. I will use one later in the marathon, probably around mile 16 or 17, so it will kick in for the final crunch.
I remember writing the other night, have you ever felt worse after a run than you did before it? Well, tonight, the run was great, but the end was even better. A classic moment for the archives... allow me to set the scene. Came flying back home, finishing with a full sprint. As I slowed to a stop, I noticed an older lady walking on the road next to me. Not strolling, but walking; health benefit, awesome for anyone, especially a 70 year old woman walking. As I walked along to cool down, the contrast couldn't have been greater...
me: disgustingly drenched in sweat, iPod stuck to my arm, wearing shoes that cost too much and clothes that breathe air like they're alive.
her: white sweater, blue slacks, white shoes that looked quite terrestrial compared to my space age sweat, definitely no iPod, but whistling just as nicely. No white headphones, but a white perm; not a hair out of place.
Too hot for running tonight she said quietly....
Nah, its ok. Once you get going, its the perfect temperature....
How far did you go... you look like you've been out there forever! she started to perk up into the conversation.
Almost 2 hours... but slowly.. don't wanna push it too hard tonight.
Well, I can only walk for 20 or 25 minutes... after that, I have to sit down and rest, so you've got me beat .
I turned to her.... looked around... at the hot, empty streets.....
"At least you're out here... In almost 2 hours, you're the only other person I've seen. I saw plenty of people on porches, in cars and glued to televisions... so, in my books, if I'm finishing first, then you're finishing a close second."
I think we made each other's day... I know it made mine.
i'm out
Dude! That's such a sweet and awesome moment. It's one of the times that you can relish and enjoy. Wonderful.
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM
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